Legal Notice


New Company of Detergents and Soap of Marseille (NCDSM)
SAS with capital of 1,855,066.67 euros
Registered with the Marseille RCS under number SIRET 799 414 594 00025
Addressed at 66 Chemin de Sainte Marthe, 13014 Marseille, France
Intra-community VAT: FR80799414594
Publication director: Raphaël Seghin


This Site is hosted by: Shopify : 126 York St. Ottawa, ON K1N 5T5, Canada.


To contact our webmaster:
New Company of Detergents and Soap of Marseille
66 Chemin de Sainte Marthe, 13014 Marseille

[email protected]

Tel: +33 (0)4 91 10 30 80


For any information, questions or advice, our consumer service is at your disposal:

By mail :
Marketing Service
66 Chemin de Sainte Marthe, 13014 Marseille

By email: [email protected]


All elements (texts, logos, images, etc.) contained on the site are protected by national and international intellectual property law. These elements remain the exclusive property of the NCDSM. As such, without prior written authorization from the NCDSM, the publisher only authorizes strictly personal use of the data, information or content to which you access.
Failure to comply with this prohibition may constitute an act of counterfeiting subject to your civil and criminal liability.

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