Fer à Cheval x Laboratoires SYNLAB

Fer à Cheval x Laboratoires SYNLAB

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Fer à Cheval X Synlab

The two organizations are working together "hand in hand", and hope to mobilize the general public, and even more healthcare professionals, around this gesture. Hands are the primary vector for the transmission of infections (80% of infections are transmitted by hand). Hand hygiene is a simple and effective way of fighting infection.

Marseille Soap HORSE IRON X SYNLAB Provence Laboratories

Did you know?

In 1847, Ignace Semmelweis, the Hungarian obstetrician and father of hospital hygiene, drastically reduced the number of deaths among women giving birth in Vienna's hospices by advocating systematic hand-washing by caregivers.

Synlab Provence wanted to pay tribute to this discovery by highlighting an ancestral local skill, Marseille soap, the pride of the region's heritage.
La Savonnerie Fer à Cheval has produced 5000 300g olive oil cubes and 8000 100g olive oil soaps, specially stamped for the laboratory. "The soaps are destined for 500 of our employees, our privileged patients and 12,500 clinical and nursing correspondents," explains Sofiane Benhabib, CEO of Laboratoires Synlab Provence.

Made from 100% natural ingredients, Marseille soap is manufactured in a cauldron from exclusively vegetable oils, water, salt and soda (for saponification). Hypoallergenic, Marseille soap is even recommended by dermatologists.

The objectives of handwashing and its action are multiple:

  • Eliminate transient skin flora
  • Reduce resident skin flora
  • Preventing contamination

"Hand hygiene concerns all healthcare professionals, patients and their families, whatever the care provided, wherever and in whatever circumstances. It contributes to quality universal health coverage", explains the World Health Organization. Since 2009, France has been working with the WHO on this global challenge, taking part in Global Hand Hygiene Day every year on May 5. To mark the occasion, a large number of healthcare professionals are mobilized to carry out targeted information and awareness-raising campaigns around this theme.

With the Fer à Cheval soap factory and Laboratoires Synlab Provence, put an end to winter ailments and celebrate Global Hand Hygiene Day!

About Laboratoires Synlab Provence:

SYNLAB Provence

SYNLAB is a grouping of medical analysis laboratories (LBM).
SYNLAB offers its patients medical biology analyses for diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic monitoring purposes, in the fields of biochemistry, immunology, enzymology, hematology, hemostasis, bacteriology and spermiology, as well as predictive medicine and nutritional biology.
In our laboratories, practitioners offer their expertise and carry out quality biology to satisfy their patients, prescribers, correspondents and partners.

Ask for the authenticity logo

Le Fer à Cheval is a founding member of UPSM, l'Union des Professionnels du Savon de Marseille, which is working to promote genuine Marseille soap by applying for a PGI (Protected Geographical Indication).

This logo guarantees :

  • A composition based exclusively on vegetable oils, with no chemical additives, preservatives or fragrances,
  • Manufactured in cauldrons using the Marseilles process, comprising 5 fundamental stages,
  • A geographical origin in the Marseilles region.
UPSM logo