Fer à Cheval a Manufacture since 1856
Since 1856, the Fer à Cheval Soapery has inherited exceptional know-how and a unique art of living. Discover the story of Marseille's oldest and most authentic soap factory. With over 167 years of experience, the Savonnerie Fer à Cheval continues to perpetuate the authentic "Marseillaise" method of making and saponifying Savon de Marseille in cauldrons. It was in the 19th century that hundreds of small factories in Marseilles turned soap into the city's flagship product.
through the ages
Real Marseille soap

Why do we call ourselves La Savonnerie Fer à Cheval?
In the 19th century, it was customary to baptize one's soap brand or company with an expression, word or other symbol evoking happiness and good fortune, to ensure that the business prospered under the best possible auspices.
The Savonnerie Marseillaise iron also features 7 nail holes instead of the usual 8, again a lucky number. With so many symbols, we were promised success and fortune.
We're still happy to be the oldest Savonnerie de Marseille in operation, still producing Savon de Marseille according to its ancestral recipe. We'd like to think that this name will continue to bring us good luck after 167 years of loyal service.