Liquid Black Soap 1L
Origine France Garantie gives you the assurance this product is 100% made in France.
99% of ingredients of natural origin.
Founded in 1856, the Fer à Cheval soap factory is the oldest and largest soap factory in Marseille. We are one of the very last in France to perpetuate the traditional manufacture of Marseille soap under the expert eyes of our master soap makers.
Discover Horseshoe Liquid Black Soap packaged in a 1L bottle. SavonNoir is a versatile all-in-one cleaner that can be used daily for many household tasks.
Made from ingredients of natural origin , its concentrated formula guarantees a long duration of use, while being respectful of the environment.
Black Soap helps clean, degrease, nourish and shine all washable surfaces in the house and garden. It also acts as an excellent stain remover for laundry, stubborn stains cannot resist it!
Formulated with olive oil, without the addition of preservatives, solvents or colorings, Fer à Cheval Black Soap offers an alternative to chemical detergents .
In 1L of hot water dilute 1 tbsp. of liquid Black Soap and 1 tsp. of Baking Soda, then transfer the solution to a ready-to-use sprayer. Shake well before use.
To clean dishes :
In a pouring bottle, pour ½ liter of hot water, ½ glass of Liquid Black Soap, ½ glass of white vinegar, 1 tbsp. of Baking Soda, then mix vigorously. The dishwashing liquid is ready to use.
To clean the windows :
To wash and shine windows, mix 1L of hot water and 1 tsp. of Liquid Black Soap. Clean using a sponge and squeegee, then dry using a soft or microfiber cloth.
To clean cars, motorcycles, bicycles, rims :
Pour a capful of Liquid Black Soap onto a sponge to clean the entire interior from the dashboard to the gear lever and leather seats, then rinse. For bodywork, dilute 2 tbsp. of Black Soap in a basin of hot water, rub with a sponge then rinse. Brush the rims directly with pure Black Soap. Finalize the interior and exterior cleaning with a dry microfiber cloth for perfect polishing.
To maintain silver, copper, stainless steel :
Dilute in a large container 4 tbsp. of Liquid Black Soap for 5L of hot water. Leave the parts to be treated for 5 to 10 minutes, drain then dry with a clean cloth so that they regain their shine.
To maintain tiles, tiles, wooden floors, linoleum :
Liquid Black Soap is ideal for washing, degreasing, nourishing and shining all types of washable floors. Mix 2 tbsp. of Black Soap for 5L of hot water, wash with a Spanish broom or mop, then let dry without rinsing. To maintain the tiles, rub them directly with pure Black Soap without rinsing, they will be better protected.
To take care of plants :
Black Soap is a polishing and protective cleaner ideal for ridding plants of traces left by insects (aphids, mealybugs). Simply dilute 5 tbsp in a spray bottle. of Black Soap in 1L of hot water, let cool before use. Spray preferably early in the morning or at dusk, and avoid doing it in the middle of the day under the sun or in the rain.
To shampoo your domestic and livestock animals :
Use Black Soap as a gentle shampoo to make the coat shine and act as an antiparasitic. Pour a small dose of Black Soap directly on the animal, soap then rinse carefully.
ATTENTION : Provoque une irritation cutanée. Provoque une sévère irritation des yeux. En cas de consultation d’un médecin, garder à disposition le récipient ou l’étiquette. Tenir hors de portée des enfants. Se laver les mains soigneusement après manipulation. Porter des gants de protection/un équipement de protection des yeux/du visage. EN CAS DE CONTACT AVEC LA PEAU : laver abondamment à l'eau. EN CAS DE CONTACT AVEC LES YEUX : Rincer avec précaution à l'eau pendant plusieurs minutes. Enlever les lentilles de contact si la victime en porte et si elles peuvent être facilement enlevées. Continuer à rincer. En cas d'irritation ou d'éruption cutanée : consulter un médecin. Si l’irritation oculaire persiste : consulter un médecin.